
"Not because it is unattainable, we do not dare, but because we do not dare, it is unattainable." Seneca

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014 - puppylove!

This post is dedicated to Tammy! <3

The other day I went to do something and encountered these adorable creatures.

A litter of stray puppy dogs staying opposite a park down the road from where my house is.

The majority of both Sunni and Shi'a Muslim jurists consider dogs to be ritually unclean. It is uncommon for practising Muslims to have dogs as pets.

There are a number of traditions concerning Muhammad's attitude towards dogs. He said that the company of dogs, except as helpers in hunting, herding, and home protection, voided a portion of a Muslim's good deeds. On the other hand, he advocated kindness to dogs and other animals.

HSI has been working closely with officials in Bangladesh, where dog bites are very common—many of them causing rabies. With more than 2,000 deaths every year (WHO, 2007), Bangladesh is a country with one of the highest per capita ratios of rabies in humans.

With so many rabies cases, the Bangladesh government had taken to conducting mass dog culls in an attempt to prevent the disease from spreading. The dogs were killed in the cruelest manner, by catching them with iron tongs and injecting magnesium sulfate into their hearts, or at times breaking their bones or smashing their heads.

A few years ago, Rubaiya Ahmed founded Obhoyaronno, a non-governmental organization with a focus on street dog welfare.

HSI has partnered with Obhoyaronno to better the lives of street dogs in Bangladesh through multiple meetings with government officials and ongoing training in spay/neuter and humane capture of dogs.

 So cute and so miserable.

I went off to the supermarket to get water, dog food and bowls. 

Before when the puppy's were trying to suck milk, the mother would go away. But now drinking and feeding her body most likely transformed the input into milk for the little ones.

I bought puppy food. They did try - but nothing is as good as Mommy's milk. ;)

Poor poor Mommy! It must be so hard. Her tits must be so soar. 
Her lower belly did not look to healthy anymore either...


After feeding this guy was playful as babies are supposed to be.


Yeah Sweetie! Being a mommy is a though job! Good on you!

Seen in the supermarket when on the hunt for dog food.

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