
"Not because it is unattainable, we do not dare, but because we do not dare, it is unattainable." Seneca

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saturday, January 04, 2014 - Bangla Wedding

As I wrote - a Bengali wedding includes many ceremonies. There is a bachelors night, a hens night, a weeding celebration for him, a wedding celebration for her, the official papers are being signed and also turmeric paste is applied to her hands. As more money the family wants to spend as more separate ceremonies are being held.

For this special occasion I went of with a colleague to go and buy a Saree ( bring it to a Tailor plus get a clutch and tip [bindi]). Since there is no way to put a Saree on by oneself I made an appointment at a beauty parlour to have my hair done and the Saree wrapped around me.

It was the evening before the election - riots were possible and everyone rather tense.
So the beauty parlours closed early. Well - I was in a house with 5 beauty parlours. The one on the second floor (with which I had the appointment) closed early - the one on the first floor as well. Argh - what I am to do?! The one on the fourth and fifth floor do massages and such only. But on the third floor I got lucky.These lovely Ladies were prepared to help me out - even without appointment and took care of my hair and the Saree wrapping:

Five of them were dancing around me - getting me ready.

The outcome of their work:

Tricky to move - thought I would not be able to sit down. :s

Smile's - the parlours name - well I was not impressed but grateful for the last minute help.

At the venue:

The bride.

The groom.

The family of the bride.

The wedding party for the bride was basically a big photo shot of the bride plus food.
Seriously - we arrived and stood around, met people, set down at a random table (no set seating or such) and as soon as the groom had arrived a first serving of food took place. After we left the table it was dressed for a second seating. And we went home. (No speeches, no dancing, no games).

With my colleague Ishrat who helped me to choose the Saree I was wearing.

Our lovely receptionist:

Some random people who asked to take a picture of me?!

Too cute! :D

The arrival of the groom later at night - he actually has to bring money to free the bride. The total amount is being negotiated at the entrance. In this case the brother of the bride and the groom (plus relatives) do the negotiations. (There were bags of chocolae coins for the kids too - no I did not fight for any ;) )

Well lots of clothing styles were to be admired.

Bride & groom and lots of pictures taken!

The mother of the bride. Our colleague Margaret, who had invited us.

Her hand had been painted as well.

Having food together on round tables.

Such a happy occasion.

Myself in a Saree with tip on the forehead. 
People were quite delighted that I took the effort to dress for the occasion.

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